Solar Together Wiltshire


Solar Together scheme


After a successful two years with iChoosr, Wiltshire Council has partnered up with them once more to do the Solar Together scheme. Solar Together is a project that has been created to give households and businesses an affordable installation on solar panels and battery storage system instalments through a group-buying deal. The scheme offers reassurance to residents by appointing a pre-vetted installer and providing a fully supported customer journey.

Since the Solar Together scheme started, over 1,100 installations and 10,000 solar panels have been installed in Wiltshire, leading to a CO2 reduction of over 22,000 tonnes in Wiltshire.

The scheme allows participants to have the following systems installed:

· Solar PV

· Battery Storage

· EV Charge Points

If a resident has already had solar PV installed, they can retrofit their systems with battery storage instead.

How you can register

To be a part of the scheme, residents can register online before 9th August at or They will be asked to fill out a quick questionnaire with personal details to determine whether they are eligible for rooftop solar panels, battery installation, or both.

The questionnaire will ask for information such as address, roof type, and energy usage. The solar installer can then use this information to assess whether the resident's rooftop is appropriate for solar panels and batteries and whether they are a suitable candidate for solar energy.

What happens after signing up?

An auction will be held for pre-vetted installers submit bids for the work. Once the winner is selected, individuals who have registered will receive a personalised recommendation based on the information provided during registration. They can then accept the offer online and pay a deposit.

The chosen installer will contact the individual to survey their roof and schedule the installation.

How is a personal recommendation created?

The recommendation considers the residents estimated yearly electricity consumption, roof size, and battery capacity preference. The comprehensive recommendation includes:

  • Recommended number of panels or battery capacity
  • Benefits of the panels or battery
  • Total package price
  • Documents: installer info, product specs, terms and conditions, and next steps explained

If the registrant is interested in getting an electric vehicle charging point, it won't be included in your initial Solar Together personal recommendation.

Additional Documents

Wiltshire_Flyer FINAL.pdf DM_Leaflet_Wiltshire__Drop_2.pdf